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Active Kids Rebate Program

Active Kids Rebate Program

What is the Active Kids Rebate program?

The NSW Government will provide a rebate through a voucher system to parents/guardians of school enrolled children. The $100 voucher can be used for registration and participation costs for sport and fitness activities.

The initiative will reduce the barriers to participation and help change the physical activity behaviours of children and young people in NSW.

The majority of children and adolescents in NSW are not meeting the daily recommended levels of physical activity. In 2015, more than 1 in 5 children in NSW was overweight or obese.

Who is eligible to claim the voucher?

Every family in NSW with a child enrolled in school from Kindergarten to year 12 will be eligible for the Active Kids Rebate.

It will not be means tested and one voucher will be available for every child in the family annually over the next four years.

There will be no limits on the number of applications per family, as long as every child is enrolled in school.

What can the voucher be used for?

The voucher can be used for registration or membership fees for after-school, weekend sport and structured physical activity programs, including swimming lessons, from a wide range of providers.

The vouchers will be redeemable through approved sport, fitness, and physical activity providers upon registration.

Who will administer the program?

The Office of Sport will work in partnership with Treasury and Service NSW to implement the systems required to enable families to access their voucher through an on-line process.

The Office of Sport will work closely with approved sport, fitness, and physical activity providers to support the largely volunteer workforce in implementing streamlined systems to allow users to redeem their vouchers upon registration.

When will the program be introduced?

From January 2018 families will be able to claim their voucher/s online from the NSW Government.

Where can I find more information?

The Office of Sport will facilitate applications. More information will be available on the website as the program details are further developed

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