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Changes to Sign On for Mod and Intl Games

To all Coaches/Managers All U10 - U16 will this year see a change to their game day team sheets to sign on players and record scores. The booklet style pad will no longer be used for these age groups.

A team sheet will be printed each week and be available for collection in the canteen if you are playing at home. Teams playing away will need to pick the sheet up from Donna Singleton on the Friday night before the game. Donna's contact number is 0468373343 to get the necessary details.

Only registered players can be allocated to team sheets as well as Coaches, Managers, Sports Trainers and League Safe who must also be registered as a volunteer with the club, and have a valid Working With Children Check. Please do this ASAP if you haven't already done so as qualifications for each team will be checked.

Team Sheets

If a player is listed on your team sheet and does not play for some reason, simply cross out and mark them as DNP (Did Not Play).

If a player from another team fills in for your team and doesn't appear on your team sheet, simply write their name at the bottom of the list and have them sign on.

If you have a player filling in from a lower age group on game day, they will need to fill out the Playing in a Higher Division Consent Form and attach it to your team sheet for that game. Again, these will be checked at a Group Level.

We would suggest keeping a few forms with your kit just in case this situation arises. Any player playing up permanently all season just needs to fill one out to cover the whole year. Other players will need to fill one in on each occasion they play up for your team.

Forms can be emailed to you by request to our Registrar Rochelle Borg 0417314327 or available from the canteen. The form can also be downloaded from our website.

After your game finishes, you are still required to hand these sheets into the home ground canteen for entry into the database, and those hard copies will be sent to Group 7 to cross check.


Stingrays JRLC Committee

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