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Concussion & Head Injuries Guidelines

It has been bought to CRL’s attention that in certain instances Sports Trainers are using the practice of "assessment" to allow a player who has suffered concussion to return to the field.

All Leagues, Clubs and Sports Trainers are advised that in no Competition controlled by the Country Rugby League is there scope or policy that allows for an ON GROUND concussion assessment that permits a player to return to play.

Quite simply if a player shows any sign of concussion, minor or major he is to be removed from play and is not permitted to train/play until such time as he has been cleared by a Doctor and provides a medical clearance that states the player has been cleared of a head injury.

All parties are to familiarise themselves with the NRL/CRLs policies contained in the documents below and which can be found at

Regional Managers and Leagues are to ensure this email is forwarded to all Clubs with a direction that it be distributed to all Sports Trainers under their control. The potential for litigation in this regard cannot be underestimated and as such it is imperative that the correct policies and procedures are followed.

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