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Match Requirements Relating to Sports Trainers (First Aid Officers) & Team Liaison Officers (TLO

Sports Trainers (First Aid Officers) – International League (Juniors and Seniors)

Every team must have at least one Sports Trainer (F.A.O.) with current accreditation to enable a match to commence. Referees have been instructed not to commence matches if this requirement is not adhered to. This is a CRL of NSW directive and a very important insurance requirement.

Sports Trainers (First Aid Officers) – (Mini and Mod League)

Every match must have at least one Sports Trainer (F.A.O.) with current accreditation to enable a match to commence. Referees have been instructed not to commence matches if this requirement is not adhered to. This is a CRL of NSW directive and a very important insurance requirement.

Team Liaison Officers (TLO)

Team Liaison Officers (TLO) are now compulsory at all matches (one per each club involved in a match) as first point of contact for Ground Managers should an incident occur. Vests will be provided by the home club and must be worn by the appointed Team Liaison Officer. Referees have been instructed not to commence the match if this requirement is not adhered to.

N.B. Prior to match commencement and prior to both teams entering the field of play, a representative from both the home and opposition teams must report to the Ground Manager (who will be at the half way line) and provide details of the match Sports Trainer (First Aid Officer) for Mini and Mod League matches and each team's Sports Trainer (First Aid Officer) for International matches as well as each team’s Team Liaison Officer (TLO) applicable to all matches. Once both teams have advised this detail the Ground Manager will then signal to the referee that the match can proceed.

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