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Sports Trainer (First Aid) For Each Team

"To the many unselfish volunteers who undertake the responsibility of caring for our players in the game of rugby League at all levels of participation"


CRL requirement is that we have a Sports Trainer for every game. No game will commence without one. Not one single game will be played on our fields without a Sports Trainer.

This means a Sports Trainer for every game in every team.

At times we have 4 games at once so if this happens this means we need a Sports Trainer for every single team playing. If you think playing on your home ground, you have no Sports Trainer that your game will go ahead because you’re on home ground, think again! Your game will not commence without a Sports Trainer.

Anything that we can do to prevent an injury occurring to our players helps to provide a “Safer training and playing environment” no matter how trivial it may seem.

“Some day, some where, some how, everything that possibly can happen, will happen to someone!"

Talk with your parents and hands up whom in your team will be doing Sports Trainer? Are they qualified? If you have a current First Aid that you completed outside of NRL you need complete either a re-fresher Sports Trainer course through NRL or complete the full course. The more Sports Trainer’s you have will benefit your team.

For information on available coaching and sports trainer courses please select from below.

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