We Are a Good Sports Accredited Club
Sporting clubs such as ours play a significant role in the community and have a responsibility to our members and their families. We have...

Concussion & Head Injuries Guidelines
It has been bought to CRL’s attention that in certain instances Sports Trainers are using the practice of "assessment" to allow a player...
Working With Children Check - A Must Have!
All coaches, water runners, first aid officers and LeagueSafe officials who work with any of our players under the age of 18 are required...
Reminder: NRL National Code of Conduct
With the start of the new season upon us, we feel it is imperative to ensure all of our players, parents, coaches and officials are aware...

Your Westpac Loan Can Raise Funds for the Stingrays
You can help support the Stingrays because Westpac will make a payment to the club at no extra cost to you as part of any approved loan....

Stingrays Mobile App Now Available
We are pleased to announce the availability of our Stingrays Mobile App for iOS and Android devices. The app will allow our players and...
Match Requirements Relating to Sports Trainers (First Aid Officers) & Team Liaison Officers (TLO
Sports Trainers (First Aid Officers) – International League (Juniors and Seniors) Every team must have at least one Sports Trainer...
Amendments to South Coast Group 7 Rugby League Competition Rules & By Laws
Please see the Forms and Documents section this website for a complete copy of the amended South Coast Group 7 Rugby League Competition...
Compulsory: Mini/Mod Laws Presentations
Please see below information for upcoming New Mini/Mod Laws presentation. The sessions take and in-depth look at the new laws, the...

Draw for Junior Trials Against Dapto 22nd March
Below is the draw for all junior trial games against Dapto at Reed Park on Sunday the 22nd of March. Reed Park - Entry off Bong Bong Road...